Friday, February 7, 2014


Exhibition at the Design Museum based on the life and work of British fashion designer and legend Sir Paul Smith. 
(15 November 2013 – 22 June 2014)

Ever since watching this video of a lecture given by Paul Smith I have been a big fan, I've never massively loved his designs but his work ethos is inspirational and I love the way he works as a designer. "Beach hut - sweater " hehe.

Paul Smith was never trained and learnt everything from his wife Pauline. He started his career off in a 3m x 3m windowless shop and with lots of hard work turned it into a fashion empire. 

Check the video out: Talk by Paul Smith

Another thing I love about Paul Smith - he is MESSY, yay this makes me feel so much better about being such an untidy designer and never throwing anything away. 

The best part of this day I MET PAUL SMITH
He was lovely, everything you would hope a designer would be 
(a normal down to earth person)

Great piece of advice from Paul Smith "Don't assume"

All my own images

This was the same face I pulled after meeting Paul 

Another great thing about this exhibition, you can take photos! Such a rarity these days, thank you Design Museum.

Such a brilliant day out, I really recommend you check it out

(extended till June 22nd 2014)

Isabella Blow : Fashion Galore!

So my New Year's resolution was to post more and what a failure that has been. My other resolutions haven't followed suit either and I am officially back on the bourbon biscuits, to my flat mates delight. But after being inspired by a few newly found blogs including Fashion Fumblings I'm back on the blogging wagon. 

I love a trip to London and this year i've been fortunate enough to make it down to the Capital on multiple occasions. Here's my insight into the current exhibitions around London

Isabella Blow : Fashion Galore at Somerset House (20 November 2013 – 2 March 2014)

Image source: Somerset House

This was a really interesting exhibition, celebrating the life of a socialite as opposed to a designer or artist, that these events are usually based on. Isabella Blow - British patron of Fashion. The exhibition showcased many pieces from Blows' personal collection as well as work from talent she supported and launched including Alexander McQueen, Philip Treacy and Julien Macdonald.

The exhibition showed the late Alexander McQueens' Central Saint Martin MA collection(discovered by Isabella), as a Fashion student this was really exciting. I am a big McQueen fan but in all honestly I wasn't that impressed with the quality of his collection, I do think standards are immensely higher now the industry is so competitive. However the transformation in his work leading up to the last collections he designed was amazing. To see such a progression in his work gives us all hope really.

I'm now a big fan of Philip Treacy, brilliant innovative designer, definitely been inspired to do a millinery class over Summer with Mother Jones.

I also fell in love with photographer Steven Meisel, I was really gutted to find they didn't have any posters of his work in the gift shop. I would kill for one of his prints, really beautiful examples of fashion photography. 
Image source: Somerset House

If you haven't already hurry up and check it out at Somerset House

My own image