Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Summer Project

As of September I will be starting a new course, BA Fashion and Textile design at Winchester School of Art. This was a major decision, as I have already completed a year at Cardiff Metropolitan thats like a 1/3 already done but I just didn't feel like the course there was for me. I chose Winchester because of their incredible links to the industry and the overall reputation of the school, which is part of Southampton University. My decision was also based on the course content, in the first year I will be studying: print, knit, weave and fashion. Compared to Cardiff this course has so much diversity and I really wanted to pursue constructive textiles. I've also always been interested in fashion but shied away because its such a competitive industry, so i'm really excited to try out that module too. I am sad however not to be going back to Cardiff as I made some amazing friends and fell in love with the city. 

Check out WSA course blog : http://www.makefuture.soton.ac.uk/

WSA graduates were also featured on Vogue website and on WGSN 

We were asked to do a Summer Project: This is me. The project is based on what we want to achieve, focusing on something we enjoy or taking up something new or revisiting something old. This is a pretty wide brief but what I took from it was to try new things. So I did something pretty adventurous and I went travelling, to me this was all new. I've always been organised but boy was planning my trip stressy mainly because if anything did go wrong it would probably be my fault. But it didn't phew. Together with my best friend Sarah (who I met at uni in Cardiff) we planned a 3 week route around Europe. 


(more posts on my travels to follow)

I also wanted to get back into blogging, I only started this up in February but shamefully have only completed 7 blog posts eeek. I think the worst part is that someone might actually read it and i'm really not a fan of sharing my work. I think i'm my own worst critic but it's something I have to get over so here goes blogging.... 

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